Monday, July 03, 2006


hi! kemaren gw udah ngebahas tentang Erlend Oye. manusia keriting dari norway yang tergabung bersama eirik glambek boe di KINGS OF CONVENIENCE. nih orang emang bener2 total bgt di musik. dia udah ngerilis 2 album solo tehno "DJ Kicks" dan "Unrest". eh sekarang dia bikin project di tempat tinggalnya Berlin, Jerman(klo ga salah). dia bikin band yang nama'a WHITEST BOY ALIVE yg kabarnya klo ga salah lagi terdapat salah satu personilnya ROYKSOPP. gila aje nih orang...btw gw udah denger lagunya yang "dead end" musiknya gaya2 the police tapi waktu gw denger lagu "inflation" itu tehno banget. klo pernah denger agrikulture tehno asal indonesia. ya kayagitu deh gaya musik "inflation"

Also I could not turn off the Whitest Boy Alive`s new album (The Whitest Boy Alive is Erlend Øye's (Kings Of Convenience) most recent project). It was on pretty much everyday in our I`ll leave ya with my favs...also go to All Of is an Russian site that allows you to download FULL albums for less then $2!!!! and single songs for like 0.08c!!!!!...crazy deals...CN

The Whitest Boy Alive - Fireworks
The Whitest Boy Alive - Burning
The Whitest Boy Alive - Figures
The Whitest Boy Alive - Inflation
bonus lagu bwt lo: The Whitest Boy Alive - Dead End

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.