Friday, November 17, 2006


password : komengkacrut

copy komengkacrut trus paste.

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Monday, October 30, 2006

Thursday, October 19, 2006

White Shoes & The Couples Company

Genre: Indie, Retro Pop

When the first time I heard their song Senandung Maaf, I knew this band will be more famous than other. Their genre is retro pop. Nice combination, nice album debut, nice for everything. There are two couples inside this band: 1 couple has married and another in relationship. And the two young guys usually using white shoes. Their first album White Shoes & The Couples Company out in 2005.

***mp3s below just for int'l consumed***

From LP
White Shoes and the Couples Company – Windu & Defrina
White Shoes and the Couples Company – Sunday Memory Lane
White Shoes and the Couples Company – Senandung Maaf

From OST Berbagi Suami
White Shoes and the Couples Company – Sabda Alam

From Riot Compilation
White Shoes and the Couples Company – Kapiten & Gadis Desa

All the songs not to be pirated purposive. These links just for introducing to Indonesian indie

Thx aksara, white shoes and couples co.

Explosive Garage Rock

***mp3s below just for int'l consumed***

Fast guitar - speed drum - screaming voice - tired bass. So what does it mean? I think it’s a garage rock. This genre is famous in Indonesian indie scene.

We start the tour with:


Mp3: The Brandals – Ain't No Body Bitch


Mp3: Teenage Death Star – (I Got) Johny In My Head

All the songs not to be pirated purposive. These links just for introducing Indonesian indie.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Bali Lounge

"Something's Wrong"
Bali Lounge

something's wrong when i can't seem to think straight
something's wrong when my heart beat comes a bit late
oh so wrong, cause you are standing too near
awfully wrong, the truth is all too clear

i have chilled my heart, i have cooled my blood
my love life's in a deep freeze, a never opening bud
my comfort is in a silence, you must not make a sound
solitude is so hard to keep up whenever you are around

something's wrong or maybe it's so right
that i just don't feel so strong
something's wrong how can i be grounded
when my minds on the higher ground

oh so wrong... cause i feel but cannot hear
the rhapsody of our song...

i can rule my head, i can't control my soul
but i won't stay in this state cause i just can take the cold
my comfort is in silence, you must not make a sound
solitude is so hard to give up whenever you are around, you're around...

back to ***

something's wrong when i can't seem to think straight
something's wrong when my heart beat comes a bit late
oh so wrong, cause you are standing too near
something's wrong... let's make it right...

mp4:: Bali Lounge - Something's Wrong.mp4


"Are You Here With Me?"
Bali Lounge

A single drop of rain
a smile unexplained
a silent gesture, a moment out of time

a single blade of grass
a sorrow that will pass
a simple pleasure, a shadow in the rain

this world is made of simple scenes
like reflections from a childhood dream
each one a seashell
lost upon a shore, can there be more

is there a light beyond a sky?
can we ever know the reason why?
like notes that ring
and fade into the night, can that be right

oh...i'm drowning in a sea of leaves
each one a perfect memory
all i want to do float forever
all i want to do is dream forever

am i sinking in your dream?

oohh.. are you here with me forever?
are you here with me forever?
are you here with me?

mp4:: Bali Lounge - Are You Here With Me.mp4

Rumah Sakit

Rumah Sakit - Psychic Girl.mp3

bertahun-tahun, berbulan-bulan gw nyari ni mp3. akhirnya ada juga. sekarang tugas gw adalah melestarikan mp3 ini. bagi lo yg suka rumahsakit, udah cepetan kburu mati linknya..

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Sunday, September 17, 2006


Sewaktu pesta barbeque, seorang teman terjatuh - dia meyakinkan semua orang yang datang kalau dia tidak apa2 (mereka menawarkan memanggil
paramedik) dan hanya tersandung batu bata karena sepatubarunya. Mereka membantunya membersihkan diri dan mengambilkan piring makanan baru? meskipun terlihat sedikit terguncang, Ingrid meneruskan menikmati sore itu. Malamnya, suami Ingrid menelpon memberitahukan semua orang bahwa istrinya telah dibawa ke rumah sakit - (pukul 6 sore, Ingrid meninggal).Dia mendapat serangan stroke pada pesta barbeque. Kalau
saja mereka tahu bagaimana mengenali tanda2 stroke mungkin Ingrid masih bersama kita hari ini. Hanya membutuhkan satu menit untuk membaca ini-Seorang ahli
syaraf mengatakan bahwa kalau dia bisa menolong seorang korban stroke
dalam waktu 3 jam sejak serangan tersebut, dia bisa membalikkan pengaruh
stroke....secara total! Dia mengatakan bahwa triknya adalah
mengenali dan mendiagnosa stroke dalam waktu 3 jam sejak serangan,
sebenarnya merupakan hal yang sulit.


Puji syukur ALHAMDULILLAH atas indera yang dapat mengingat TIGA hal
berikut.Baca dan pelajarilah!
Kadang2 gejala stroke sulit dikenali. Sayangnya, kurangnya
kewaspadaan dapat mendatangkan bencana. Korban stroke dapat
kerusakan otak sewaktu orang2 yang ada di sekitarnya pada saat
gagal mengenali gejala2 stroke.
Sekarang banyak dokter mengatakan bahwa orang di sekitar
korban dapat mengenali gejala stroke dengan menanyakan tiga pertanyaan

1. Minta orang tersebut untuk TERSENYUM
2. Minta orang tersebut untuk MENGANGKAT KEDUA TANGANNYA
3. Minta orang tersebut untuk MENGUCAPKAN SEBUAH KALIMAT
masuk akal), contoh: "Hari ini cerah." Blablabla....

Bila org tsb tidak bisa melakukan apa yg kita minta diatas atau
satunya segera bawa ke Rumah sakit terdekat untuk mendapatkan
pertama selanjutnya.

Seorang kardiolog berkata kalau setiap orang yang
e-mail ini
mengirimkannya kembali ke 10 orang, kau bisa bertaruh bahwa
setidaknya satu
nyawa akan diselamatkan.

Jadilah seorang sahabat dan bagikan artikel ini dengan
mungkin ke
temanmu, kau bisa saja menyelamatkan nyawa mereka.


Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Genre: (indie), britpop, rock

Actually, Nidji came from indie scene. But several times ago major label have offered contract to them to make album in bilingual versions, the Indonesian and English lyrics. Word of Nidji comes from Japanese language which means rainbow. When the first time I listened their single “child” I felt like listening Coldplay. But when I was listening their first album “breakthru’”, accent of Coldplay faded out. Now their first album became the most played on tv and radio. And do not forget they got platinum for their first album selling. It’s really breakthru’.

Nidji-Hapus Aku.mp3
Nidji-Bila Aku Jatuh Cinta.mp3
Nidji-Disco Lazy Time.mp3


Sunday, September 03, 2006


Genre: Indie, Pop, Rock

Pure Saturday is the one of old indie band in Indonesia. This band came from big city Indonesia which is called Bandung. They have released 3 albums. The sound’s like british pop mix with Indonesian rock. Their music not really powerful but lyrically really deep. I knew them when they had released their second album. This band is so famous in Indonesian indie scene. Unfortunately, information about this band is so tiny. You can grab much information and be their friend on

Pure Saturday – 1995

Kosong.mp3 (translate: Empty)

Utopia – 1999


Di Bangku Taman.mp3 (translate: On Bench Park)

Phatetic Waltz.mp3

Elora – 2005

Nyala.mp3 (translate: shine)

So if you interest to this artist, just visit their site you can get many more mp3s from Pure Saturday and also their live performance.


ffwd records

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Goodnight Electric

Genre: Indie, Electronic, Pop

Are you a robot? / ehmmm…. / So Tell me! What are you?
And then intro play and we dance on the floor.

Those texts above tells about goodnight electric’s most favorite song …am I robot? Actually, not am I robot? To be famous. Many songs inside their LP Love and Turbo Action that was released in

***mp3(s) below just for int’l consumed***
Goodnight Electric - Am I Robot?
Goodnight Electric - Psychic Girl (RumahSakit Cover)
Goodnight Electric feat Che Kyongfa - Sci-Fi Love

All the songs not to be pirated purposive. These links just for introducing Indonesian indie

Site: myspace, official site

Monday, August 14, 2006

Sore Ze Band Pop Absurd-Eclectic

Genre : Indie, Rock/Jazz

Sore in english say is afternoon. the band was formed in 1996. all members of this band are left-handed. can you imagine that? their influence is from the beatles. Their first LP Centralismo which means Central Jakarta was the worth buying in Asia. In fact: many hit single inside this album to be favourite songs. Inside Centralismo, all members of this band were singing each track. Aksara record was great to get them in the label. The Jakarta Post was called SORE as ‘the best working band in Jakarta and certainly the most interesting’ (The Jakarta Post, October 9, 2005).

AWAN GARNIDA - Vocals & Bass Guitars
ADE FIRZA PALOH - Vocals & Guitars
GUSTI PRAMUDYA - Drums, Acoustic Guitar & Vocals
REZA DWI PUTRANTO - Vocals & Guitars
RAMONDO GASCARO - Keyboard, Piano, & Vocals


It’s an album perfect for those rainy days when all you really want to do is lie back and dream of a simpler time in your life’ (Time Magazine, September 12, 2005).

Sore - No Fruits For Today (fav song)
Sore - Somos Libres (Bilingual)
Sore - Lihat (rock retro jazz/first hit)
Sore - She's So Beautiful (Jazz Punk)
Sore - Bebas (Nice Beat)

band's site:

Friday, August 11, 2006

SlowDown Monkey Jumps

CCCCooocCCoooonfuse what i must write. But i have an idea about silence music. Sometimes after listen noise voice we'd rather than listen slow music (for several people).

Kings Of Convenience - Cayman Island (Live from BBC)

keep on oye boe!

Beth Sorentino - Beautiful Day

Spider - dont be affraid, i just come to say goodbye

eldad tsabary - lophophora wiliamsii

thanx comfort stand

Friday, July 21, 2006


well this is the time i wirte something bout indie. now, from indonesia....if you really stay tune in indonesian music scene, you may thing that indie in indonesia is growing fast. i think major lebel not quite good than indie. indonesia have many artist indie like sore, the adams, the brandals, goodnight electric, the sastro, mocca, white shoes and the couples company and many more. they play diferent sound, and uniqely performance. several artists recognize their music are influenced from radiohead, the cure, the cardigans, coldplay.

here some indie songs...
the adams-wanna be with you
santa monica-anais lull

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


wah udah lama ga ngisi blog gw.. lagi juga ga ada yang mau lihat blog gw. (jadi jutek)langsung aja deh nih gw kasih lagu indie dari luar.

"a beautiful combined voice"


THE KOOKS-NAIVE >>>cari linknya sendiri di (males gw, percuma...)
"easy to hear and sing"

"not yet listened"

"the sounds like nidji"

bonus: The Adams-Halo Beni

Monday, July 03, 2006


hi! kemaren gw udah ngebahas tentang Erlend Oye. manusia keriting dari norway yang tergabung bersama eirik glambek boe di KINGS OF CONVENIENCE. nih orang emang bener2 total bgt di musik. dia udah ngerilis 2 album solo tehno "DJ Kicks" dan "Unrest". eh sekarang dia bikin project di tempat tinggalnya Berlin, Jerman(klo ga salah). dia bikin band yang nama'a WHITEST BOY ALIVE yg kabarnya klo ga salah lagi terdapat salah satu personilnya ROYKSOPP. gila aje nih orang...btw gw udah denger lagunya yang "dead end" musiknya gaya2 the police tapi waktu gw denger lagu "inflation" itu tehno banget. klo pernah denger agrikulture tehno asal indonesia. ya kayagitu deh gaya musik "inflation"

Also I could not turn off the Whitest Boy Alive`s new album (The Whitest Boy Alive is Erlend Øye's (Kings Of Convenience) most recent project). It was on pretty much everyday in our I`ll leave ya with my favs...also go to All Of is an Russian site that allows you to download FULL albums for less then $2!!!! and single songs for like 0.08c!!!!!...crazy deals...CN

The Whitest Boy Alive - Fireworks
The Whitest Boy Alive - Burning
The Whitest Boy Alive - Figures
The Whitest Boy Alive - Inflation
bonus lagu bwt lo: The Whitest Boy Alive - Dead End

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Perang Dunia 2006

Hi...still with me, Ico in my blog. Welcome to kesempatan kali ini gw mo ngebahas masalah piala dunia 2006. Kenapa ya? Piala dunia di jerman punya kesan yang beda banget daripada PD sebelomnya di mata gw. Banyak hal-hal yang ganjil dan gw ga suka dari PD kali ini. Lo mau tau apa aja? So these are the reasons
kenapa harus jerman lagi? Padahal inggris yang lebih pantes. Dari stadion2’a, profesionalisme mereka, terus masih banyak hal lainnya mereka lebih siap.
tim2 asia masih minum susu pake botol. Strateginya ga ada yang meyakinkan. Padahal iran yang gw jagoin malah K.O.
setiap pertandingan pasti aja ada tim yang di bela sama wasit. Dari yang kebanyakan kasih kartu kuning, lupa ngasih kartu merah, ke sengkat pemaen, matanya seliweran, sok tegas, wah banyak dah...
bolanya ke entengan. Bukan buatan majalengka deh kaya’a.
soundtrack piala dunia kali ini lumayan aneh daripada PD Di korsel jepang yang lebih-lebih ga gaung. Pdhl riki martin udah mantep bener nyanyi di PD 1998, sama lagu chumbawamba yang ngetop di PD 1994.
sekarang lagi musim ujian. Kenapa harus malem? Di sesuaikan donk sama jadwal tahun ajaran DEPDIKNAS. Biar ga bentrok!
banyak pemaen bintang yang ga maen kaya etoo, giuly, bambang, soni dwi kuncoro, tessa kaunang, dewi persib, ariel peterpan, ki joko bodo dan masih banyak lagi artis ibukota kesayangan anda.
lo tambain sendiri.
Eh btw gw punya sontreknya piala dunia nih! Klo pengen, donlod aja di bawah ini. Gratis!!!! Ya udah met donlod ya. Gw tinggal dulu ya. Besok ujian, gw mo belajar dulu. Doain IP gw gede ya. Amiennnnn.......

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


gila gw kesel bgt ga bisa nonton kings of convenience di indonesia kemaren.
masalah sepele cuma gara2 duit. padahal gw ini orang pertama yg punya bajakan
mp3'a mereka.heee...heee...
klo lo demen ma KOC...lo coba denger lagunya Erlend Oye deh...
electro chill gitu...

ehhe gw da donlod lagu'a yang di album unrest

two more years die

eh..temen2 yang dari kemaren sussah bgt dapetin trus udah gitu ngebet banget
pengen punya lagunya BLOC PARTY yg judulnya "TWO MORE YEARS".
gw da dpt ni...
lo mao ga. pliss donlod aja!

block di bwh ini, trus drag ke address bar
klo ga blok tulisaaannya trus copy trus ke adress bar
klo ga klik aja!

::Bloc Party - Two More Years::

Friday, June 23, 2006


welcom to indo-upcoming!
nyari band indie.....

kirim biodata lo dalam bahasa inggris

Thursday, June 22, 2006